"RESAN" - the number one selling mineral water in Moldova! "RESAN" mineral water was awarded with six Gold and two Bronze Medals at International Specialized Exhibitions. Our product was certificated in UK, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova.
"RESAN" L.T.D. is a Moldavian- German Joint Venture, situated in Kishinev, the capital of the Republic of Moldova. "RESAN" sells high-quality mineral water from a borehole. We have our own well-developed sales network on the basis of more that 100 mobile points of motor vehicles at the territory of Moldova.
Production of the "RESAN" mineral water consists of three processes:
a) mineral water mining;
b) production of empty bottles from PET - material;
c) mineral water bottling.
All the processes: mining, additional filtration, carbonization,
production of PET-bottles with the capacity of 0.5, 0.75, 1.5,
2.0, 5.0 litres, bottling - are automated, they are carried out
at the efficient complex technological line, where the Italian,
German and Japanese equipment is installed.
The first batch of water was produced and sold in the Kishinev
shops on 6 August, 1996.
The maximal output of machinery is 120.000 bottles per 24 hours in three working shifts.
The taste of the "RESAN" water is pleasant. It consists of unique composition of mineral salts and microelements. The undoubted merits of the "RESAN" mineral water is conditioned by its low mineralization and the possibility of its daily use for drinking and cooking food. The water was analysed in Germany at Professor K. Quentin's Labs (Kulmbach), in the UK at the International Association of Hydrogeologist, in Romania - "Larex", in Germany at SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS (Taunusstein).
The "RESAN" mineral water produced in two kinds: sparkling and uncarbonated. The "RESAN" water is a generous gift, which the nature gives to people allowing them to increase quality of food and drinks.
We are ready to sell our mineral water in large shipments. For the time being, we are in the process of intense search for buyers in Ukraine, Russia, Estonia and to the market of Moldova. We would like to offer our production to the enterprises of the USA, Canada, Australia, North and South Africa, Middle East, the countries of Arabian Peninsula and Latin America.